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20 nov 2019

payforaresearchpaper com – From Rome Sylwia Wysocka (PAP) s / AKL / mal / ABW .

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In a letter published by “Gazeta Wyborcza” GetBack former CEO Konrad Kakolewski insists that his company is sponsoring media such as “Newspaper Polish” or “The Things”. “GetBack is a camp libertarian by being a sponsor of the media (Newspaper Poland, Wprost, to things on the network), activities (Gala man of the year, the Gala Anniversary Newspapers Polish) and initiatives such (as) Institute for Liberty, animating cooperation Poland-Israel-United States and other “- says in the letter. Kakolewski demands is also a co GetBacku by the state. Danger that the collapse of his company “will expose the savings of private investors.” This gives the number of 20 thousand. people, warning that with GetBackiem could “fall into turbulence” at least one bank, two insurance companies and several investment funds. “Gazeta Wyborcza” shows that Kakolewski does not give their names, but they are probably institutions on behalf of clients who bought in 2017. Bonds of the media praised the government as stable and profitable venture. GetBack company manages receivables. It was founded in 2012., And in July 2017.

GetBack shares debuted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in Warsaw carried out in the framework of the IPO. In April, the Warsaw Stock Exchange, at the request of the Financial Supervision Authority, suspended trading in shares GetBack. This happened after the April 16 morning, the company announced that it is negotiating with the Polish PKO BP and Development Fund in the financing of mixed credit and investment amounting to 250 million zl. With the company’s statement showed that the information has been agreed “with all parties involved.” PKO BP and PFR zdementowaly information that they lead such conversations. This caused the reaction of the KNF. As a result, the entire board of directors GetBack case dismissed with immediate effect Konrad Kakolewski from the post of CEO, and resigned from the board members made Paczuska Anna and Marek patula. The Council has delegated William Kenneth Maynard, chairman of the board, to temporarily perform the duties of President.

7 May he resigned from the position on the board and the supervisory board. Earlier membership in the supervisory board also resigned Kornasiewicz. May 9th District Court for Wroclaw Fabryczna decided to open proceedings under the accelerated restructuring of the arrangement GetBack company. The net loss of the Group in 2017 amounted to approx. 1.33 billion zl to 200 zl million profit a year earlier – results from the preliminary, unaudited financial statements. According to the information GetBack publication of the report for the first quarter of this year. May 30 was postponed on June 29.

State Prosecutor leads the notices Financial Supervision Commission, investigating the GetBack. As for the infliction of material damage of large sizes, bookkeeping and violation of the provision of false information. FSA accused the former management of the company to carry out financial operations, in order to avoid the real valuation of the company’s debt. The National Prosecutor’s Office established a team to investigate GetBack. According to the FSA, GetBack SA issued bonds with a total value of 2.58 billion zl, whose holders were 9242 subjects, including 9064 individuals and 178 financial institutions. In this way, among others, he commented Salvini statement of European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, who urged the government in Rome not to accept loaded high deficit budget for next year.

If the Italian government “will continue to want special treatment, it will be the end of the euro” – rated Juncker on Monday, referring to the budget plan, providing for a deficit of 2.4 percent. GDP, which is higher than that agreed by the previous government and suggested by the EU institutions. Juncker also said he did not want to after the crisis in Greece, the EU had to cope with a new crisis, this time in Italy. In reaction to these words Salvini, leader of the right-wing League, said: “Words and threats Juncker and other European bureaucrats cause an increase in the spread, to attack the Italian government and the economy.” “We are ready to claim compensation from those who bring harm Italy” – he added. Soon after Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that his government respects the EU institutions and wants to lead a peaceful dialogue with them. From Rome Sylwia Wysocka (PAP) s / AKL / mal / ABW . Then we worked with Polish probably in all areas, at all levels. (…) I think it was our most trusted partner among all the neighbors – Kirkilas said in an interview for Tuesday’s edition Polish daily “Kurier Wilenski”.

The newspaper points out that “the majority of Lithuanian politicians and analysts now admits that the policy of President Lech Kaczynski was extremely beneficial for Lithuania.” “Despite his euroscepticism by maintaining intensive bilateral relations Polish leader was able to make progress in a number of contentious issues,” – he writes “Kurier Wilenski” and stresses that “Lithuania was one of the most visited countries by Lech Kaczynski” .See also: Questions about Smolensk still without response »” the tragedy in Smolensk had a negative impact on the Polish-Lithuanian relations. (…) Polish foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski was negatively oriented contacts with Lithuania. Thank God, now comes a new stage in our relations “, – considers Kirkilas. “Kurier Wilenski” reminds that stay in Vilnius was the last foreign visit of President Kaczynski. “April 8, 2010, Lech Kaczynski flew to Vilnius literally a few hours at the invitation of President Dalia Grybauskaite. They talked about the strengthening of cooperation between the two countries, about relations with Russia, as well as energy policy, including a refinery in Mazeikiai” .See also: Smolensk catastrophe, 8 years later: an overview of theories and hypotheses »Official stresses that” visit in Vilnius was the reason for the change of plans of President Kaczynski on travel to Smolensk. ” According to the newspaper initially to Smolensk to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre presidential couple had to go train with the families of Katyn, but because of his visit in Vilnius Lech and Maria Kaczynski flew by plane. On Tuesday in Vilnius in the church. St. Raphael the Archangel will be celebrated Holy Mass for the victims of the Katyn massacre and the Smolensk disaster. Mass will participate as representatives of Polish diplomatic mission, the Polish community in Lithuania.

Participation in a common prayer also announced the Vice-President of the Parliament Viktoras Pranckietis. Szefnernaker referred in this way, the speech PO leader Grzegorz Schetyna Platform ws position on the question reception of migrants and refugees. “One day the President of Parliament Speaker says another thing, another something else, and program documents are saved yet another thing (…) Let’s first Platform politicians sit down and write the program because they each tell a different story; they do not have a program (… ) This shows the approach of the Platform to Poles “- said Szefernaker in TVP info. In his view, the last days of a “total disgrace Civic Platform”, who can not tell whether the programs introduced by the Law and Justice would be “taken away or kept.” “The platform is not able today to say” – he said. PO leader on Wednesday at a press conference answering questions about the program asked last week by the PiS. Schetyna said among others AFTER that is behind this, to Poland, such as the European Union, engaged in humanitarian assistance to victims of wars and – as noted – “this is the activity, which previously led the Polish government.” “We will not accept illegal migrants” – dodal.zobacz also Macierewicz: I can talk to Siemoniakiem like to apologize »On Tuesday, Parliament Speaker asked by a journalist TVP Info, whether it is in favor of the Polish refugees replied:” No, I’m for it not to They come to Polish. ” Inquired whether it is the official position of the Platform, we do not accept refugees, PO leader said: “Yes, yes, platform is not in favor of refugees.” Speaking on Wednesday at other issues of program Schetyna said that the PO does not want to raise the retirement age, but will do everything to make work pay more. He added that the PO will aim for economic activity to be able to effectively influence the earnings and as an incentive introduce 13 retirement. He also announced that the PO: keep 500 plus program, will provide the money for the first child, but the condition is that he wants to talk referral program to families in which the parents or one parent is economically active or seeking work.

PO leader also declared that the PO will eliminate the IPN and its share tasks between the Polish Academy of Sciences, the General Prosecutor’s Office and the Council for the Protection of Remembrance, Combat and Martyrdom and the CBA will provide expertise to the Police Headquarters and the Central Bureau of Investigation Police. The authors of the message stressed that in the last days of dramatic receive more information about the exacerbation of the conflict and an increasing number of victims, among whom are children. “Images of the Syrian streets frightening. There is a lack of water, food, medicines. Syrians are living without electricity, and many times without a roof over his head. Camped in the ruins of their homes. Due to the critical situation in Syria need urgent help from the other Polish families” – appealed . They pointed out that many months 8.5 thousand.

Syrian families from Aleppo and other places in Syria receive regular assistance from the Polish families. “In thousands of Polish parishes, in all dioceses and provinces since the autumn of 2016. Operates a unique global program + Family Family +. The program engages more and more Poles. Currently involved in the nearly 20 thousand. Polish families, parishes, companies and associations . Polish family helping family selected the Syrian donating funds “- reads. To join the program must complete available on the declaration of financial assistance for specific, needy families for a period of 6 months. The donor chooses the amount you shall pay every month to the indicated account. To help a particular family consist of statements from a number of donors.

The declaration of support may come from the individual, families, associations, companies, parishes, dioceses. You can also pay a lump sum of any amount on account of Caritas Poland 77 1160 2202 0000 0000 3436 4384 SYRIA with a note, or send an SMS to the number 72052 SYRIA (cost 2.46 zl VAT). According to Caritas, as a result of the war 80 percent. Syrians living in poverty, every third household is in debt, and the estimated life expectancy of conflict dropped by 20 years. There is no complete statistics on the number of deaths – according to various estimates it is between 250 and 500 thousand. people.

Humanitarian needs of over 13 million people, including 6 million children. Half of the Syrian population has been forced to leave their homes – more than 4.8 million people have fled the country, and the number of internal refugees in Syria is estimated at least 6.5 million. 4.5 million people live in areas directly affected by the war, which is very difficult to get help. (PAP) by Iwona Zurek discussions On Wednesday, Ms Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus and Joanna Schmidt announced that they have taken the decision to leave the Modern. Gasiuk-Pihowicz asked if expects to go further, she said, that this absolutely does not provide. “I see among the activists, and such signals me to come from the whole Polish, some relief that it is over voltage Personal” – noted MP. “This tension was related to the fact that Mr. Ryszard Petru lost its chairman. Then indeed a tension between the Modern and Ryszard Petru, Joanna Schmidt, Joanna Wielgus Scheuring-popped” – said Gasiuk-Pihowicz in TOK also FM.zobacz Joanna Schmidt leaves Modern »Gasiuk-Pihowicz referred to the words of Scheuring-Wielgus, who said in a Thursday interview for” Rzeczpospolita “that can not be a party that does not take into account the sentence,” he became the starter platform, not fighting for its subjectivity, betraying their ideals. “the head of the club of Modern indicated that coalition building” requires responsibility, it is always difficult, “also requires a certain maturity. But, she added,” Modern stood, stands and will stand on the basis of the values ??on which it was built, or on the basis of personal freedoms, economic freedoms. “Schmidt and Scheuring-party Wielgus this page onniczki founder and former leader of Modern Ryszard Petru.

After the departure of Scheuring and Schmidt-Wielgus Modern club will consist of 23 members. In November last year, was elected president of Modern Lubnauer Catherine, who defeated in the elections Ryszard Petru. On Friday, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office Michael Dworczyk presented some of the assumptions of the bill ws. Business flights most important people in the country. The proposals assume, among others, the introduction of a central register of type HEAD flights, ban flights for families or parliamentarians not participating in official delegations.

Dworczyk promised to work on a new law on the organization of flights the most important people in the State Chancellery will invite the heads of other offices, including the president, the Sejm and the Senate, and also the Civil Aviation Authority and the Ministry of Defense. In addition, the law was a cross-party, an invitation to work together get the heads of all parliamentary clubs, or a person delegated by them. In Saturday’s post on Twitter he posted a fragment of the head of the Chancellery of his speech to the conference Friday and recalled that the provisions concerning. The president and first lady will be tailored to the functions exercised by them. “We are working on a law regulating the principles of flight the most important people in the country. Contrary to what some media write, we emphasize from the outset that the provisions on the President and the First Lady will be adapted to the unique nature of their functions” – he wrote the head of the Chancellery.

At the entry Dworczyk said deputy head of the Presidential Chancellery. “There is no doubt for me that the rational, thoughtful proposals must take into account – as promised – the tasks and status of the pay someone to write your research paper for you President of the Republic as the highest representative of the Republic of Poland and the special role of the First Lady. I am glad that it is commonly understood” – wrote Mucha. The creation of the bill, which is to regulate issues of business flights most important people in the country announced the end of July in an interview with PAP president Jaroslaw Kaczynski after the disclosure of information by the media ws. Flights Sejm Speaker Marek Kuchcinski. President of the Law and Justice told the PAP that appealed to the Minister of National Defense, the Chief of the Chancellery and asked the President to make rules governing the flying business.