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The problem is that the fox is guarding the henhouse; the

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Georgia GOP gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp claims victory as Democrat Stacey Abrams declines to concede

November 8 at 1:58 PM

With his race still unresolved, Georgia Republican gubernatorial canadian goose jacket candidate Brian Kemp resigned his position as the state’s top election official and declared victory, drawing a strong rebuke from Democrat Stacey Abrams, whose campaign estimated there were thousands of ballots outstanding or unaccounted for.

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Kemp had 50.3 percent of the vote to Abrams’s 48.7 percent as of canada goose clearance midday Thursday, according to the Associated Press. But the canada goose store Abrams campaign argued that balloting had been grossly mishandled, citing reports of voting hurdles and problems with vote counting.

A similar debate is emerging in Florida, where Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum appeared to back off his election night concession to Republican Ron DeSantis, citing reports of uncounted ballots.

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cheap Canada Goose This combination of May 20, 2018, photos shows Georgia gubernatorial candidates Stacey Abrams, left, and Brian Kemp in Atlanta. (John Amis/AP) cheap Canada Goose

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Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez said that Democrats had “boots on the ground” in Georgia and were monitoring the possibility of recounts in Florida.

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Perez also suggested that the close statewide races in Florida could change if every vote cast was counted, a process that could well involve lawsuits.

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At a news conference, lawyers for the Abrams campaign announced that they were filing a preliminary canada goose coats on sale lawsuit in Dougherty County over problems with mail in ballots and weighing other possible litigation.

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Georgia voters on Tuesday described hours long lines and polling places struggled with a shortage of voting machines, broken equipment and a dearth of printed provisional ballots.

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“The integrity of the process has been clear in Georgia,” canada goose deals he said Thursday. “The election integrity is beyond doubt.”

Nonprofit group Protect Democracy said Kemp’s resignation came just before a federal court hearing in its lawsuit seeking to stop him from overseeing the governor’s race.

“This is a huge victory for democracy and the rule of law,” Larry Schwartztol, counsel for Protect Democracy, said in a statement. “It is a basic constitutional principle that a person may not be a judge in their own case and that’s what Brian Kemp was attempting to be here.”

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Democrats triumphed in a tight Atlanta area congressional race after Republican Rep. Karen Handel conceded to anti gun violence advocate Lucy McBath.

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